Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Environment Sources


I have supported both of these agencies ever since I was a little girl. Both of these protection programs have gone high and low, far and near, in order to protect wild life and sea life. I have been to the WWF in Washington and was able to see how they take care of animals, nourish them back to health, and set them back in their natural habitat. It was so inspiring to know they weren't dumped into zoos or beaten and trained in circus'. After the life changing experience I acquired at WWF, I researched and looked into Sea animal safety and came across MMPA. An organization quite similar to WWF but for marine animals shallow and deep. I have not had the pleasure of visiting the MMPA but look forward to do so in the future.

Earth Day Video

The main point of the Earth Day video was to show how many people have taken it seriuously ever since it started. It showed how people were blaming how killing the environment afftected things for health problem and pollution raise. The video stretched how pollution was able to kill the enviornment, create cancerous health problems, affect babies and causing a lot of stillborns, and many other hazardous problems. It talked about the chemicals in the pollution and how it doubled the amount of the problems the older it became.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tokyo Rose

Tokyo Rose was a name given to about a dozen English-speaking female broadcasters for Japanese propaganda. Although, the name was most aimed toward Iva Toguri. A native to Los Angeles, stranded in Japan when war broke out, Iva's intent of the broadcasting was to mess with allied forces listening to the broadcast. American service men in the Pacific often listened to the propaganda broadcasts to get a sense, by reading between the lines, the effect of their military actions. Toguri often underminded the anti-American scripts by reading them in a playful, tongue-in-cheek fashion, even going as far as warning her listeners to be aware for "subtle attacks'' in a demeaning manner.
Farther from the action, stories circulated by Tokyo Rose could be unnervingly accurate, even able to name units and servicemen. Toguri's prominence saw her branded as one of the war's most notorious propagandists, but evidence shows that she was not a Japanese sympathizer. Toguri's program became conflated with vicious propaganda, resulting in her arrest after Japanese surrender. Convicted with treason, Toguri was sent to jail, then arrested and released from prison in 1956. For WWII, the name Tokyo Rose was used against female propagandists, but mainly against Iva Toguri.

Sources: the book, http://www.biography.com/people/tokyo-rose-37481#awesm=~oBDE7eCB2E4587

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I Intro (Leave Blank for now)

II Causes (The causes of the great depression were overspeculation, government policy, and unstable economy.)
A overspeculation is

B Govt Policy is

C Unstable Econ is

1 uneven prosperity is

2 overproduction is

3 worker issues / farm issues is

III Effects

A Poverty is the state of being unbelievably poor. The US went through major times of poverty during industrialism and during major economic drops. An example of a time of poverty was in

B Society is people living together in a more or less ordered community. The US went back and forth between a less ordered and more ordered community for a long time. Whenever the government passed new Deals or Laws the community seemed to lessen order. For example in

C World is becoming more economically advanced. Every country was becoming more independent and becoming stronger. The world also was rising in poverty because of industrialism.

IV Solutions

A Hoover was a president who had "tried" helping the US is their stag of poverty and during the depression. Although he wasn't willing to completely do everything making it harder to end the arising problems.

1 Volunteerism is

2 Public Works is

3 Hawley Smoot is the Tariff Act of 1930, which was an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels.

4 RFC is

B Roosevelt is

1 new deal is

a alphabet soup is
            example is

            example is

            example is

            example is

b Criticsim? is

2 2nd new deal



V Criticicism is

B Political Criticism (ex. Came from both the ____________ and ______________)

A Conservatives is

B Liberals (ex: criticised the new deal also. They....)



VI Effectiveness

A Changes in US were

B Unions were

C Culture was

VII Conclusion

Friday, February 7, 2014

Jazz Age: Chicago Black Sox

  The 1919 World Series was played between the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds. Eight members of the Chicago franchise conspired with gamblers to throw games. The conspiracy is often known as the Black Sox Scandal. Eight of the players on The White Sox (later nicknamed the Black Sox) were accused of throwing the game against Cincinnati. Each of the players involved were charged with criminal charges. The eight men included the great "Shoeless Joe Jackson"; pitchers Eddie Cicotte and Claude "Lefty" Williams; infielders Buck Weaver, Arnold "Chick" Gandil, Fred McMullin, and Charles "Swede" Risberg; and outfielder Oscar "Happy" Felsch.
  Those in the club (White Sox Baseball League Club) were unhappy because of very low payment. Comiskey (the coach and club owner) was often to blame for the Black Sox scandal because of his ignorance to higher the salary of the players. In order to gain a little extra money, many baseball players joined in on/with gamblers. This mainly meant a whole lot of betting on who would win and whether a player would or wouldn't do good. When one of the players (Gandil) was offered $100,000 if the White Sox lost against Cincinnati, he decided to throw the game in order to win the bet. Needing the money, Gandil took off to find some of the players to help him throw the game, thus sent in motion, one of the biggest baseball scandals ever.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Letter Home

     It's been six months since I've sent my last letter. And today is the first time I've read your reply. I miss you all. And, I'm afraid the situation here has changed. I'm not driving ambulances anymore. We have lost hundreds of our men. The General of our base has had no choice. I'm out in the field now. On the battle field. The first women to be on the battle field. They chose me because of the accuracy I obtain with guns. Thank God papa taught me. I would have been sent to be a nurse instead of an ambulance driver, and being a nurse is so much worse than anyone could ever imagine. I was a nurse for a month before I was sent to the field. I've watched so many of my friends die from disease and extensive, life-threatening wounds. I've watched loved ones die. And I've held those dying in my arms as their last embrace. It was time I avenged my friends. And time I searched for Tommy. I haven't seen him in five months. General Lane said he's MIA, and that there is no point to search any longer. But i haven't given up hope. My brother is out there and alive and I will find him. I promise. And soon I will be home and they'll send fresh troops like they do every eight months. I vow I will find our brother and bring him home when I do. I will spend the rest of the time I have here in search for Tommy. The next time we talk I will be home with our brother. I promise.
                                                                           I love you all, and take care,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Main causes of WWI

The four main causes of WWI were 1.Nationalism- a deep devotion to one's Nation. 2.Alliance System- a formal agreement with other countries to help them when they are in war. 3.Imperialism-building of  power by controlling other countries/colonies. 4.Militarism- Preparation of war.
Nationalism played part when the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated. Alliance Systems played out because the original conflict was between just two countries but that meant when in war, other countries were to join in and help protect their allies. Imperialism caused initial conflict because countries would fight over who gets which colony. Militarism was a big part because when preparing for war, you basically said were starting it and that put everyone on their toes.

The spark of the war was Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo. His death triggered Austria's declaration of war against Serbia.

1.Unrestricted Sub Warfare was when Germany blew up every ship without warning that passed them. This was a problem because they began blowing up many U.S. merchant ships which caused our threat to join in on the war.
2.The Sussex Pledge was Germany's promise to the U.S. to allow merchant ships through. It also promised that they would quit blowing up ships without warning. This gave U.S. a reason to hold their joining of the war off.
3.The Lusitania was a British cruise ship that the Germans blew up killing both Americans and Britain's. This hastened the war for the U.S.
4.The Zimmerman Letter which was a letter from Germany to Mexico attempting to bring them into the war if the U.S. joined in and get us from behind. The letter was intercepted by Britain and brought to our attention. This was one of the if not the last straw that sent the U.S. into the war.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918

   The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was between the Bolshevic government of Russia and the Central Powers(Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey). The treaty was forced on Russia by the Germans figuring they'd get more power from it. However, Lenin (the new Bolshevik ruler of Russia) made the treaty more sutiable for Russia by the terms getting  Russia out of the war so they could focus on establishing it as a communist state. By doing this, Russia and Germany came to agreed terms and signed the treaty on March 3rd, 1918.
   The treaty caused Russia to lose a lot of land. The key provisio The treaty convined the Allies that Russia was not the power they thought it was and convinced many americas entry in the war was correct and necessary in order to stop the German conquest of Europe(both good for Russia and bad for Germany). However, the treaty also freed the German army to place more troups in France.