Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918

   The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was between the Bolshevic government of Russia and the Central Powers(Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey). The treaty was forced on Russia by the Germans figuring they'd get more power from it. However, Lenin (the new Bolshevik ruler of Russia) made the treaty more sutiable for Russia by the terms getting  Russia out of the war so they could focus on establishing it as a communist state. By doing this, Russia and Germany came to agreed terms and signed the treaty on March 3rd, 1918.
   The treaty caused Russia to lose a lot of land. The key provisio The treaty convined the Allies that Russia was not the power they thought it was and convinced many americas entry in the war was correct and necessary in order to stop the German conquest of Europe(both good for Russia and bad for Germany). However, the treaty also freed the German army to place more troups in France.

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